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January 18, 2009

Yahoo Messenger 10 Final - Vista Theme

Yahoo Messenger is a well known name in Instant messenger category. After Windows Live Messenger it will be Yahoo Messenger to take position in favorite messenger list of users. Latest Yahoo Messenger available for download is Yahoo Messenger
Today while going thru Mininova Torrents I came across Yahoo Messenger 10 Final Torrent and I was totally surprised to see this since I am aware of latest Yahoo Messenger version which is and there is no news of Yahoo Messenger 10 under development. But then I thought this could be leaked Yahoo Messenger build.
To confirm myself I started searching on Google and I saw couple of websites showing Yahoo Messenger 10 Final in search results, but most of the website in search results were warez one so it is difficult to believe this is true Yahoo Messenger 10 or some thing else, at the end to satisfy my curiosity I started downloading Yahoo Messenger 10.
Once I finished downloading Yahoo Messenger 10 first step I did was, install and check Yahoo Messenger build version. To my surprise it was “Yahoo Messenger For Vista Preview 2007.12.06.421”. Even shortcut for Yahoo Messenger on desktop says “Yahoo! Messenger for Vista”

Yahoo has stopped development of Yahoo Messenger For Vista preview and only available Yahoo Messenger for Vista is Yahoo Messenger 9. It should be noted that last build number of Yahoo Messenger for Visa Preview was
But this Yahoo Messenger 10 raises some doubt whether its truly Yahoo Messenger 10 or its Yahoo Messenger for Vista Preview and if it’s Yahoo Messenger for Vista preview then why it is showing different build number (2007.12.06.421) then the last Build number ( Beta).

Please Note : I am running Windows XP SP2 with Vista Transformation Pack so I am not sure Whether Yahoo Messenger For Vista Preview can be installed on Windows XP or not but this claimed Yahoo messenger 10 is working perfectly fine on Windows XP.





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