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January 23, 2009

Net Control 2

Net Control 2 is a complete package for classroom management, network administration of public access computers, remote administration of office and home computers. Standard Edition provides the highest level of features integration, maximal range of controlling functions, including Remote Desktop, Broadcast Desktop, File Manager, Desktop Recorder, various monitoring tools, System Restrictions manager and more.
Several facts:
* Net Control 2 was specially designed for easy management of several computers simultaneously.
* Due to scalable structure, it is suitable for both small home networks and large networks, containing thousands of user computers.
* Remote Desktop, Broadcast Desktop, file and program management, messaging, monitoring and many other features are combined in user friendly and intuitive interface.
* Currently, Net Control 2 runs under all versions of Windows, and includes support of Windows Vista in Net Control 2 version 7.
Just several of Net Control 2 features:
* Remote Desktop features (view and control user computers, using keyboard and mouse; control several computers simultaneously).
* Broadcast Desktop features - share instructor's or any user's desktop with other users, the performance practically not depends on amount of computers in the network.
* Use Desktop Recorder for preparing electronic tutorials and share them with users.
* File management - deploy documents and programs, manage files remotely, support of "virtual" folders.
* Remote power management: restart, turn computers on and off, wake-up computers via LAN, switch computers to stand-by and hibernation modes.
* Speak with Users, send messages (text, graphics, sound).
* Manage programs remotely: run, terminate and disable applications, programs and services.
* Control access to Internet of Users: track visited web-sites, dynamically block and enable access to web-sites on a base of domain name or web-page's content.
* Automation: macro-commands, batch execution, scheduled tasks.

Download : Net Control 2

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